We are always looking for partners.

We don‘t count on politics‘ promises or benesses.

This is our secret for a resilient work : FAITH, LOVE AND JOY.

Any contribution is precious, even from humble workers that gave their efforts, sweat and beliefs that a better world begins inside of us.

We keep alive the last mangrove spot in many kilometers along the BA 99 Road ( Estrada do Coco ).

Instituto Planeta Água is located right in front of

in an area of 100.000 square meters of mangroves and restingas,

with the only purpose of taking care of the mouths of Jacuipe and Capivara Rivers.

We will be here forever, this is not a simple adventure of vanities.

Uçá and Guaiamun Crabs, that were supposed to be extinct in this area, have come back, last year ( 2013) in their reproduction “walk‘ ( andada ), and they were many thousands...

for the joy and benefit of thousands of poor natives.

The best answer comes from Nature.